Jennifer Robinson - Senior Partner, Responsible for Management and Accounting
Firm's General Manager, responsible for human resources and financial issues concerning the company..
Donnatella Davison - Senior Partner, Responsible for Certification Consulting and Precess Management
Mrs. Davison is responsible for process management in the company structure, with focus on new certification projects.
Dennis Thomson - Senior Partner, Responsible for Planning, Business Development and legal affairs.
Concentrated on the long-term aspects of the business such as planning and development of new markets and services internationally.
Emil Stoychev - Junior Partner, Responsible for Planning, Business Development in the East Europe Region .
Joined the company management in 2011, Mr. Stoychev is in charge of the business in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe, currently based in Sofia, Bulgaria.
William Robinson - IT Manager, Bookkeeping, Office and Archival Support
Responsible for Information and Communication Technology, Information Security, Web and Paper Based Content, Technical Issues and Information Requests
As of 2016, Atlantis Veritas employs 37 highly skilled professionals in the fields of certification and product testing services, aimed at small to medium sized organisations(from 5 up to 250 people). We can offer the full spectrum of solutions when it comes to preparing application papers for products and services to be approved for the EU markets. In addition we provide top class support, exceptional talent and extensive consulting network of partners to cover all needs of our clients. Among the most common services we provide are: